Jasmine Baucham's book Joyfully at Home is a very thought provoking book. While you may not agree every premise of this book, it is good to challenge our thinking about the way we are rearing our daughters. In today's world, we can't be too careful in the way we live as families for God.
Jasmine has a great section in her book about False Views. Just reading this would be great for moms or women who influence young girls. You will wish you had read it when you were a teen or young married woman.
She writes about false views of marriage, husbands, ourselves, singleness, and God's sovereignty. It is true that many girls enter marriage as if they are stepping into a Disney movie with little thought or preparation for the years ahead. We mothers definitely need to step up and prepare the younger generation. I don't mean that we need to downplay the joys and wonders of marriage. But what is passed down from mother to daughter or father to daughter these days?
Do we teach submission to God and his godly order in the home? Do we take the time to teach our daughters the examples of families in the Bible? Are they efficient in homemaking skills such as budgeting, cooking, smart shopping and being helpers at home? Most of all are we teaching them contentment and service to God. These are just a few items mentioned in this book. Sure gives you something to think about, doesn't it?
Ms Baucham is a young writer, the daughter of Pastor and Mrs. Voddie Baucham. She is still coming into her own style of writing. This is her first book. She is out to encourage daughters and their families to consider a path that is against our cultural grain. Even in our churches.
Give it a try! Good job, Jasmine. Keep it up!
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